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Grass-fed lamb


Taking orders NOW

just in time for spring.  

(ready for your freezer by April 1)

Order with or call him at 903-815-3937.


How do we sell and price our lamb?

We sell direct to consumer in order to eliminate any middle-man for you. You can custom order either a whole lamb at $8/lb. + processing (app $190) or a half lamb at $12/lb. + processing.

(current market rate ranges from $5 - $22.20 per lb)

How much freezer space do you need?

This is dependent on the size of your animal but a whole, processed lamb will likely fit in the freezer that comes with your refrigerator or 1.5 -2 cubic feet for a whole lamb.

What cuts will you get?

Bluebonnet in Trenton is our favorite processor for lamb. We will give you their cut-sheet and you can specify how you want your lamb cut and packaged, according to your tastes and needs. We will then relay that to them when we drop off your animal.

How much meat is on the lamb?

There are three weights:

Live animal weight -- ours currently are ranging between 60-80 pounds.

Hanging weight -- about 54% of live weight and this is the weight used in calculating your price. Hanging weight is what remains after you remove the parts that are inedible like the hide, feet, head, some of the bones and most of the innards.

Yield -- this is what you take home as the finished cuts or “yield”. This is generally between 55% - 70% of hanging weight. This percentage varies based on a number of factors including:

  • Bone-in vs. boneless cuts – This will dramatically affect yield; the more boneless cuts that are made, the lower the yield.

  • The amount of fat remaining on the meat cuts – The yield will vary based on how much surface fat the cutter leaves on the cuts.

Order with or call 903-815-3937.


The breed of sheep we raise are Hampshire. As their name suggests, they originated from the agricultural county of Hampshire in Southern England. True to their heritage and needs of the animal, our grassfed, grass finished lamb spends its entire life grazing pastures on the farm.


As a result, they play an important role in our multi-species, holistic grazing program - always with frequent moves to allow the land to rest and regenerate. This results in a healthy diet for them and for you. All of our livestock are ethically and humanely raised without the use of antibiotics, steroids, or added growth hormones.


And then there is the flavor! Hampshire lamb is renowned for its superb quality and high level of fat and marbling which gives a succulence and delicate sweet flavor. Many top-class restaurants and butchers know to choose Hampshire sired lamb as a mark of quality.  

For a special dinner where you might find our lamb or other offerings from local farmers, ranchers and artisans in our region, we recommend  The Heritage Table in Frisco, Texas.  

Van Alstyne, Texas

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Thanks. We'll be in touch soon.


Van Alstyne, Texas

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